Unlisted apps that were earlier only found through a direct link, can be published to the App Store
In a new announcement, Apple has informed that apps can be published as “unlisted” in the App Store. This implies the better discovery of unlisted apps than before when apps were not founded on the App Store and only installed with a direct link.
Apple has introduced the ability to allow developers to distribute unlisted apps, that can only be found with a direct link, through the App Store apps.
Unlisted apps can be very useful in:
Limiting the audience like part-time employees, partners, business affiliates, franchisees, students etc. with a standard link that can be used on the App Store or Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.
Devices owned by employees that are not eligible for managing through Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.
Developers need to submit a request first in order to publish an unlisted app on the App Store.
Apple also mentioned on a page on its developer website that “Unlisted apps don’t appear in any App Store categories, recommendations, charts, search results, or other listings,”
If your app is already on the App Store, if the form is completed and you have gained approval for the same, your app will become “unlisted” on the same URL.
However, developers who use Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager will be required to create a new app record.
Apple also warned, “Please note that unlisted apps must be ready for final distribution. Requests for apps in beta or pre-release state will be declined,” Apple warned.
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