
Generative AI Consulting Company

Venture into the AI frontier with our specialized generative AI consulting services. Mastering GANs, VAEs, autoencoders, RLHF, and myriad model types, we enlighten businesses on strategic AI deployment. Our crafted solutions weave seamlessly into workflows, driving enhanced productivity and efficiency.
Generative AI Consulting


Our Generative AI Consulting Services

We provide businesses a competitive edge. We’re here to assist you in leveraging the power of AI in a way that makes sense for your company, from inspiration through implementation.

Our speciality is figuring out how to integrate generative AI into the commercial environment. To determine how realistic these cutting-edge ideas actually are, we do extensive research, look for possible game-changers, and perform exhaustive reality checks.

We remove the element of guessing from selecting the best generative AI technology. By carefully examining each tool’s capabilities and comparing them to what is required, we ensure that the one chosen fits in exactly and performs flawlessly.

Transitions should be seamless. We introduce generative AI applications with finesse, incorporating them into current workflows and systems. We work to maintain harmony while maximising the benefits of generative AI.

We never lose sight of the goal. The package includes ongoing monitoring and adjustment of generative AI systems. We are constantly vigilant and making the smallest adjustments necessary to guarantee dependable outcomes every single day.

Data privacy is a priority, not just a checkbox to be checked. We employ our familiarity with laws like the GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA to protect generative AI systems. We put a lot of effort into reducing threats while maintaining unwavering data integrity.

We believe that knowledge is power and are committed to sharing it. Our training courses are meant to give people the skills they need to make the most of generative AI applications. And if there are any hiccups along the way, we’re always here to help.

Evaluating opportunities for Generative AI

Our speciality is figuring out how to integrate generative AI into the commercial environment. To determine how realistic these cutting-edge ideas actually are, we do extensive research, look for possible game-changers, and perform exhaustive reality checks.

Selecting the right Generative AI technology

We remove the element of guessing from selecting the best generative AI technology. By carefully examining each tool’s capabilities and comparing them to what is required, we ensure that the one chosen fits in exactly and performs flawlessly.

Integrating Generative AI

Transitions should be seamless. We introduce generative AI applications with finesse, incorporating them into current workflows and systems. We work to maintain harmony while maximising the benefits of generative AI.

Health Checks & Tune-Ups for Generative AI

We never lose sight of the goal. The package includes ongoing monitoring and adjustment of generative AI systems. We are constantly vigilant and making the smallest adjustments necessary to guarantee dependable outcomes every single day.

Privacy & compliance protection in Generative AI

Data privacy is a priority, not just a checkbox to be checked. We employ our familiarity with laws like the GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA to protect generative AI systems. We put a lot of effort into reducing threats while maintaining unwavering data integrity.

Generative AI Instruction & Assistance

We believe that knowledge is power and are committed to sharing it. Our training courses are meant to give people the skills they need to make the most of generative AI applications. And if there are any hiccups along the way, we’re always here to help.


Our Generative AI-Powered Projects

Enterprise generative ai legalAlly

Legal Assistant for crafting legal documents powered by Generative AI

We leveraged Generative AI to fasten legal document analysis and drafting. We utilized in-depth legal research, streamlining legal workflows, and improving document accuracy and research efficiency in the legal sector.

Incorporated sophisticated NLP and chatbot technology, tailored to legal jargon and protocols, it fosters effective user interactions, boosting communicative efficiency and making legal services more accessible.

Retail solution driven by a recommendation engine using Generative AI

We leveraged Generative AI to develop a recommendation system designed to analyze user behavior (Google Analytics, New Relic), and purchase history.

The recommendation engine enables the platform to offer personalized product suggestions tailored to each user’s genuine interests.

Enterprise Generative AI Development

Our proud clients

Over the past decade, we have developed creative solutions for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, and technology startups. Check out how we helped them transform their corporate structure. See our work.
Our proud clients logos
Over the past decade, we've crafted innovative solutions for leading Fortune 500 companies such as Ford, Kraft Foods, Dell, as well as numerous small businesses and tech startups like Aisle 24 and Trapeze, among others. Check out how we helped them transform their corporate structure.


Our Generative AI-driven Consultation Process

Collaboration between human intuition and AI skills is the foundation of our process. We create strategies that are original, efficient, and effective by fusing your professional understanding with our AI’s extensive data analysis and creativity.


In-depth Examination & Intelligent Model Identification

Everything commences with an insightful review of the existing datasets, software architectures, and technology foundations. This process unveils potential paths for implementing generative AI models such as GANs, VAEs, or RNNs into the operational framework. By fully grasping the unique commercial environment, the most relevant AI-based technologies are identified to boost operational proficiency.

Trial Implementation - Prototype Launch

A compact system or a Basic Workable Product (BWP) is crafted to showcase the capabilities of generative AI in a specific commercial environment. It could comprise testing generative models for tasks like content generation, anomaly recognition, or product suggestion. These trials guide in highlighting areas of enhancement in the AI system custom-made to the specific requirements.

Comprehensive AI Deployment

Post gaining unanimous consent from all decision-makers, the proficient team commences the implementation of the full-blown AI system. With a keen eye for specifics, the team ensures a smooth and triumphant deployment, enabling the harnessing of the revolutionary powers of generative AI to amplify productivity and realize commercial ambitions.

Surveillance and Performance Augmentation

Following the installation of the generative AI system, monitoring processes are set up to observe its functioning and guarantee continuous effectiveness. The team vigilantly scrutinizes the system’s output, assesses crucial indicators, and fine-tunes as required to elevate performance. Any potential hiccups are proactively identified and quick steps are taken to boost the system’s proficiency.


Why Choose Markovate for Generative AI Consulting

Since Markovate combines cutting-edge AI technology with a thorough understanding of business dynamics. We are your strategic partners in creating a smart, agile, and sustainable future.

Mastery in Generative AI

Focusing on inventiveness and personalization, Markovate excels in crafting resilient generative AI solutions custom-built to meet distinct needs. Our services bring about a competitive advantage that stimulates growth, spurs creativity, and sets the stage for triumph.

Support Throughout the Lifecycle

Our consulting services in generative AI offer comprehensive assistance, covering the whole range from planning and creation through deployment and continuous maintenance. This continuous assistance throughout the project’s development guarantees a smooth ride while maximizing the advantages of generative AI.

Personalized Solutions

Since each company has different requirements, Markovate distinguishes itself by providing AI solutions that are specifically crafted to support business goals and overcome particular obstacles. We increase the effectiveness and reach of generative AI by carefully tailoring our services to meet particular needs.

Dedicated to Moral AI

We are steadfast in our commitment to developing generative AI solutions that are moral, open, and lawful. We prioritize user security, trust, and privacy, and we know that ethical AI practises are essential to fostering confidence and ensuring long-term success.

Our Collaboration Partners

We form strategic alliances with leading platforms to guarantee the highest standards of safety and quality in every endeavor. This collaboration ensures our solutions are built on a foundation of trust and excellence, meeting the rigorous demands of our clients.

Tech Stack We Use for Generative AI Consulting Services 

Our AI Developers recommend the best technology stack to develop perfect AI solutions for business.

Generative AI Consulting_tech stack

What our clients say:

“Markovate makes AI development clear and transparent. With active communication and optimal solutions, they alleviated our development concerns. Highly recommended for seamless product development partnerships.”

Garrett Vandendries
Director & PMO, Trapeze

“As a retail business, finding the right technology partner was crucial. We partnered with Markovate, who expertly guided our product development from concept to launch. Their recommended innovative solutions have significantly enhanced our operations and reduced our costs.”

John D
CEO, Aisle 24

“Worked with Rajeev and Mansi both for Hawaii Revealed app development and launch. Excellent people with a thorough understanding of their business. Experts in providing solutions for scalability and product modernization.”

George Thompson
Sr. VP, Hawaii Revealed

“In every sense, working with Markovate has been amazing. The experience & outcomes were excellent from conception to creation & throughout the evolution phase. We are grateful that we could find Markovate to assist us as our mobile application met our expectations.”

Michael Sedigh
CFO, 3M Corporation

“Worked with Markovate and Mansi Takyar for our software launch in Canada. She has excellent business sense and truly added value to our product’s success. We highly recommend Markovate.”

David Singh
VP Strategy and Operations, Kira Talent

“I recommend Markovate to owners looking to design a new product or planning to develop it. Their team is fully skilled in building mobile applications and web solutions.”

Lucie Lalumiere
President & CEO, Interactive Ontario


We build AI-powered digital products across various industries

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AI in healthcare delivers precise diagnostics, tailored treatment plans, and efficient patient management. It accelerates drug discovery, offers predictive analytics for patient care, and streamlines administrative tasks, empowering healthcare providers.
destination 1


Leverage AI in fintech for fraud detection, personalized financial advice, and real-time transaction analysis. AI-driven chatbots provide seamless customer support while machine learning algorithms empower security and personalization. Dive into the AI’s fintech world.
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AI redefines retail with personalized shopping, inventory optimization, and predictive demand forecasting. Boost customer engagement via AI-powered recommendations and virtual try-on experiences, revolutionizing both online and offline retail operations.
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In the SaaS industry, AI revolutionizes user experience by tailoring interfaces through behavior analysis, automating customer service, and fortifying cybersecurity. Leverage scalable, intelligent AI solutions that redefine SaaS.
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Elevate travel experiences with AI's personalized recommendations, dynamic pricing & efficient booking systems. Enhance customer service through interactive chatbots & ensure fleet reliability with predictive maintenance.
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Experience personalized workout and nutrition plans driven by AI's data insights. Achieve fitness goals with virtual coaching and interactive apps, while AI aids in managing gym operations and retaining clients.
oil & gas industry

Oil & Gas

In the Oil & Gas industry, AI technology is revolutionizing exploration, extraction, and distribution processes. From predictive maintenance of equipments to real-time monitoring of drilling operations, AI enhances operational efficiency, optimizes production schedules, and minimizes downtime.
energy industry


Through smart grid management, AI algorithms balance supply and demand, reducing waste and enhancing reliability. AI-driven energy analytics enable businesses to identify inefficiencies and implement targeted solutions for cost savings and sustainability.
Education industry


AI is driving personalized learning experiences, improving administrative efficiency, and fostering student success. Adaptive learning platforms powered by AI tailor educational content to individual student needs, optimizing comprehension and retention.
oil & gas industry
Oil & Gas
energy industry
Education industry


About Generative AI Consulting

How does generative AI vary from the AI we are accustomed to, and what does it mean?

Machine learning’s creative offspring, generative AI, is a subset of that technology. Like an artist, it draws on previously collected data to produce new works of art, whether written pieces, musical compositions, or graphics. In contrast to conventional AI, which mostly analyzes data to generate predictions or make data-driven judgments, generative AI adds a dash of creativity. You would normally find it in usage in the creative industries, such as design, music, gaming, and painting.

What are the main technologies ,this generative AI uses, and how does it operate?

Intelligent algorithms and neural networks are the driving forces behind generative AI, which employs them to extract patterns from data. It then makes something original and new using these patterns. Deep learning, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and reinforcement learning are some technological instruments supporting this process. These potent tools give generative AI systems the ability to generate novel and contextually sound outputs that push the frontiers of creativity.

In what ways may generative AI help my business? Will it help me run my business better?

Of course. The business sector stands to gain a lot from generative AI. It is all about improving operational efficiency, which involves producing innovative ideas and solutions and automating tedious operations. Yet more is included. Your company may be able to learn more about consumer preferences, allowing you to offer advice or items that are especially suited to them. Result? Improved client engagement and satisfaction. Using generative AI, your company may improve operations, spur creativity, and keep a competitive edge in the ever-changing market environment.

What are the possible risks & benefits of generative AI? How does it fit into the larger AI strategy of my company?

Consider generative AI as an essential gear in the overall AI strategy wheel for your business. It promotes creativity and solutions that are forward-thinking. It is crucial to keep in mind, however, that generative AI, like any AI technologies, has hazards, particularly those related to overreliance and ethical issues. It is crucial for businesses to thoroughly weigh the potential risks and benefits of their decisions. Your company may benefit from the benefits of generative AI while deftly managing possible dangers by developing a comprehensive AI strategy that ensures safe and efficient usage of generative AI technology.


Point of view

Our thought leadership initiative – an exclusive platform for sharing our insights and technological perspectives.
Next-Gen Fraud Detection: Leveraging Predictive ML and Generative AI for Enterprise Security

Next-Gen Fraud Detection: Leveraging Predictive ML and Generative AI for Enterprise Security

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Next-Generation AI Systems: Revolutionizing Industries & Enterprises

Next-Generation AI Systems: Revolutionizing Industries & Enterprises

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